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Map of SEA

The Secret Vietnam War:
The United States Air Force
in Thailand, 1961-1975

 See important news below!

This site is dedicated to all U.S. Air Force Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand.


Click on the map to proceed

NOTE: April 4, 2008 I am converting from FrontPage 2000 to Dreamweaver as my web-building software of choice, so things could get a little dicey. Let me know if you run across any problems while surfing.

News Flash! As of February 2005, my book, "The Secret Vietnam War: The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975," is out of print and no longer available. The good news is, I have secured the rights and will be self-publishing but I don't know when. I am currently in the process of updating the material. In the mean time, I'm in the market for pictures. Please contact me at the e-mail address below.

New Home! Like all growing families, outgrew the old homestead and moved into a bigger place. I changed server in May 2006. If I forgot to pack anything, and you run across a broken link, let me know, OK? 

And... I have shut down my e-mail account. Since I received 9000 spams from my domain name in just one month (December 2004) I feel I had to put the skids on it. Please address all correspondence to this address:

Special! See Leif's Museum

Special! See this joke page to see what people were laughing at (or maybe not) in 1941.


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